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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. moscow says nations backing syrian rebels are sinking the war torn country deeper into crisis and calls for all sides to lay down arms. by spain's in for more protests pain while the people of california frustrated by madrid post cuts seem to find their own way. for young people in the u.k. are finding themselves without work or prospects with university graduates struggling to pay their bills.
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am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie welcome to the program now states that back syrian opposition groups are pushing the country even deeper into crisis says russia's foreign minister who took the floor at the un general sampling sergei lavrov said a comprehensive cease fire was needed to stop the violence he also urged the u.n. security council to resume debates on the humanitarian limits to sanctions are just more reports from new york. russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov talks about a variety of issues but clearly syria dominated his speech foreign minister lavrov says he believes and russia believes there's still an opportunity to and the conflict in crisis in syria but it will require some fierce international consensus he says the international community must come together to demand
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a cease fire in syria by both the government and the opposition to demand the release of prisoners and hostages and allow for humanitarian assistance russia's foreign minister said that he believes that one of the very big problems is that all members that signed the geneva communique are not fulfilling their responsibilities and obligations he said is very important for the six point peace plan that kofi annan outlined many months ago for that peace plan to be the foundation of what there could eventually. result to the crisis that's escalating in syria but he said what is most troubling for russia is that many western countries that are supporting the opposition are only demanding for the syrian government to cease fire but are looking the other way when the syrian opposition is waging very deadly attacks. a particular concern is the deepening of the internal conflict in syria those who oppose the implementation of the geneva
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communiqué take upon themselves an enormous responsibility on the ceasefire only by the government and encounters the opposition to intensify but in doing so the essentially. even deeper into the abyss of bloody engineers didn't strike extremist organizations including al qaida have become more active in syria. against innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure. foreign minister lavrov said another serious concern is the use of unilateral sanctions particularly by western countries he believes that these unilateral sanctions taken outside of the united nations out for example in syria the u.s. and european countries imposing reduces the credibility first and foremost of the security council and also can escalate humanitarian crisis further foreign minister lavrov said that at this point it is a very important time he believes for international relations to come together and
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the credibility to not be compromised even further by their it's by there being many divisions within the u.n. security council on a variety of issues. meanwhile syrian activists report more casualties although rebel forces are claiming advances on several fronts in the city of aleppo on friday the u.s. the fan secretary of reported syria had moved some of its chemical weapons for security reasons but said the country's main stockpiles remains intact and under government control president obama said the threat of chemical weapons could be a red line for the u.s. to act in syria this as washington pledged additional million dollar aid to the syrian opposition to help find. political analyst j. kapoor berger says u.s. actions in the region are an attempt to oust the regime in syria. well it's a standard policy of the us government it is designed to oust rulers of regimes that are independent of what might be called the us military empire and replace
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them with pro-u.s. rulers so we have the economy of supporting dictators in countries that are loyal to the us government and trying to oust dictators that are not loyal to the us the us is committed to the ouster of the assad regime and whenever you hear that the united nations is just designed for the american taxpayer the american voter create the appearance that the u.s. is interested in. reading democracy and freedom when in fact it has a long history of supporting dictatorial regimes in saudi arabia egypt iran under the shah of iran syria itself don't forget that the cia used the assad regime to torture some of its rendition torture victims and so the the whatever goes on in the un is really ridiculous and senseless. while we're also closely following some wire stories from the general assembly on our website r.t. dot com as some world leaders seem to be tiring of taking sessions too seriously.
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the moon has been pranked by pseudo canadian prime minister on his absence from meetings down to being too busy only his hair with superglue. and skin us and boy to the u.n. preferred to skip the speech by israeli prime minister netanyahu and have lunch break instead all that is available. now faced whether the staring budget in a row spain is gearing up for a new wave of protest people are demanding the government turn around its policy of cuts as banks wait for billions of euros to head off a further crisis or just take a grave is in madrid. now we've seen those and demonstrators out in force throughout the course of the week on tuesday or wednesday a massive demonstrations in central madrid where thousands of people taking to the shrieks part of the so-called surround or occupy congress movement we're also
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seeing clashes between police and demonstrators on both occasions on tuesday night police charging down those protesters they battens they fired rubber bullets in total sixty people being injured thirty people being detained in their accusations leveled against the police force of brutality of using excessive force in those actions that's on the back of a very austere budget we've seen in the earlier this week axing forty billion euros in terms of cuts target ministries and also see again a freeze when it comes to public sector pay thirty year that's now been enforced it's all comes on the back of a sixty two billion euro cut that we saw take place earlier this year that largely impacting the health care and education system through fruitless though because spain's boring cost look the saw from nine billion euros to thirty six billion euros in two thousand and thirteen that really take a massive swipe any savings are seeing from these or stare t.
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measures. spain is also at the moment facing a crisis within a crisis because on top of everything there is those in catalonia calling for independence and separatism now this will only be adding to the worries of prime is the. catalonians feel they're being hard done to by current economic conditions that they contribute far more to madrid central budget and the ever see in return to take into account that catalonia as a region contributes about twenty percent of the nation's annual g.d.p. we expect that sentiment to be heard later today in the streets in central madrid as with more and austerity sentiment again prime minister rudd government will be forced to listen to some of that anger. take a risk reporting there now cattle always parliament has voted in favor of holding and in the panels for a friend a professor of international finance and european university mark has barcelona's
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frustrated with how my dream is treating. him from barcelona to learn we complain about this punish government position we think they should do more things we have got rain in catalonia eleven percent this is unique in the walled region that the rich are in the world that based more and with less by their own estate and that's one not one of the reasons not the only one but one of the reasons that people in catalonia or creating a new estate in you it's clear that the situation in the spain economic situation is not in fact in europe is going to war so we had to take me through it in the i mean i think the more growth in the economy not just the misuse but having more growth in the economy and that's why we have to recover the economy on the continent and to great more jobs is the main objective i think in the coming weeks and the coming months. which is actually live from moscow still have for you this
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hour leaving andrea and its priorities behind us pretty strong against thousands of schools and health centers they build their part of the close as the local government can afford to keep them. and a successful anti-terrorist stanmore hoax to discredit a neighbor we investigate what could be behind the special operation posed by the georgian government. the friendship vision of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the . jets the approach of polio has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over.
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james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty swells on our t.v. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as if anyone would. but they do tell a story they tell us story of. their oxen. welcome
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back you're watching our team now looking for work in times of recession is a daunting task but some struggle more than others many young people in the u.k. send out thousands of jobs applications to no avail and despite government's efforts to create jobs for those under twenty five the prospects are bleak as for this covered. picture the scene nothing to do and nowhere to go. name money and no prospects but this is not
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a film plot this is the reality for millions of young people all across britain is constantly in the mouth rolls which is a film production company that's working and training young people in media and communications that it's a really good way for a lot of people who are looking for jobs to come develop those communication skills unfortunately across london in very much depends on which bar you live in a say whether these types of services are available to young people because of this he got this opportunity to promote this different thing just give. people a lot of anything it is a big issue a big issue. then i think that's when young people go off sometimes they can go off the roads because they have nothing to do job prospects a bleak one is for sixteen to twenty four year olds in britain right now are out of work and the capital's been hit particularly hard for everyone just.
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three to four weeks. and if you really. love the immediate reasons or economic use unemployment has been a growing issue for more than a decade and it's called far reaching cultural implications do you think is the recession this is an issue that people talk so isn't this. just a recession i mean because there is there is jobs out there i mean some are friends of going into shops or have signs in their windows and then they get turned down straight away anyway just gets put to the side so. why why why is the reason for it what because we're going jeans and not trousers so what's being done to address the problem the government contract providing
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a billion pounds of funding the schemes aimed at getting young people into work but by the ballots an organization aimed at getting young people politically engaged say that that's alone won't be enough if all these wonderful things coming out but they're not telling anyone about it and that's a problem. if young people who are looking for apprenticeships are sending out with something like three thousand job applications and not hearing back at all and that's just ridiculous really so what they need to do is come down to the channels where young people are facebook twitter all the social media streams brashly beyond door to door when people knock on your door and talk about politics or you know your parents that that's not what we need anymore we need to go we're here to talk to you and stead and i think that's that's what they need to do anything to start really. demographic in fact engagement was the word repeated consistently by the young people we met lucky enough to have just.
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for that we have. the government for us to do and have a variety of. you know. different. sectors but whilst hollywood may love a happy ending the reality is the young people in london right now that might be a little hard to come by surface r.t. london. now as nato troops pull out of ghana stan there are some tasks they are leaving on solve the government there fears it may have to close dozens of schools and clinics built by the u.k. military which can't afford to keep open millions of dollars have been spent over the last decade as part of on and to insurgents a campaign that only sexpert the popular party believes london realizes its attempt to build democracy in afghanistan has failed these schools and medical sense
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centers where established when hopes were high that the taliban and other insurgents would be defeated and afghanistan would become a western style democracy but that hasn't happened in the last decade or so it is pressure within the prime minister david cameron own party to cut down on foreign aid the move to ship troops as well as the rest of the nato contingent are having a hard time so those hopes have been dashed and it is clear that the west is losing interest because of that the cost is too high and therefore the question are right for countries like britain why should we. pay a lot of money to run these facilities if we are going to pull out and afghans are
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getting our troops. what are the life or musket coming up in just a few minutes weeks laura how hackers may be exploited by governments pursuing their own goals. a successful anti-terrorist staying or was it one georgists had its forces killed eleven suspected militants last month who had crossed from russia's north caucasus somewhere unsure whether to take the government's claims of face value and now the whole raid is being questioned as an elaborate hoax to discredit moscow is going off explains. the outcome of a recent alleged police operation near georgia's border with russia's republic of dagestan eleven suspected terrorist dead the b.b.c. says that the armed men were chechens who crossed into georgian territory and kidnapped around ten locals before being caught by police the news spreads quickly but not everyone's buying it you know this was all organized by georgian security
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services the lack of transparency and details about the incident has led many to believe the whole so-called anti terror operation was a complete hoax georgia now forty seven very successful in creating an image of a modern west in a civil way it's a beacon of freedom of course w. bush once called it but in this case the opposition's accusations are fighting supporters on the other side of the caucasus meets his or the old arm of he spent two decades fighting on the side of chechen militants against the moscow and fish will be representing them in georgia he also has doubts about what really happened at this latest water operation. first of all their weapons were american made second none of them fired off a single shot that's not so the uniforms of the so-called fighters were brand new that was saakashvili plan he sent his guys across the border into russia and then have them shot by the georgian police this was
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a set up just to frame russia no one will ever be able to prove anything of course . he said he cleans the beaches for dijon with terrorists began in the ninety's when he personally helped chechen separatists by delivering weapons and age from georgian. surely the pankisi gorge in georgia is really close to chechnya it takes just ten minutes to fly across the border by helicopter so we helped our warriors from georgian territory from the gorge we delivered weapons money to the injured and then send them all around the world for treatment. and all with the help of georgian security services and. we got the weapons from the depositories of the georgian anti terror center our guys came there with cash were able to choose whichever weapons they wanted and bought them. album of says the really interesting jewish militants didn't diminish even after president saakashvili came to power a man often bridge street as an envoy of democracy. everything is still controlled
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by the anti-terrorist center or the mujahideen and the gym marks are in its hands they are their people any chechen who lives in georgia and wants to study in an islamic country has to go through the anti-terrorist center they tell you to believe see you go to the center meet some official and they won't let you go into you say yes into you agree to work for them all them of graeme's that his knowledge almost cost him his life following an assassination attempt he was allowed to return to chechnya with a green light from russian authorities after he asked for forgiveness now he plans to reveal everything he knows you are just going off are grossly the chechen republic. look at some other stories from around the world the kenyan army has stormed the last for a hold of a link to militants in somalia the operation came after african union troops shelled the port of kissed now and attacked the city's airport al-shabaab
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insurgents were driven from the capital mogadishu last year was the last poor they controlled. i mean protests against militia groups has sparked in the libyan capital hundreds of people marched across tripoli demanding to disband interim security brigades and introduce national police and army the militia groups comprised mainly rebels that toppled mama khadafi last year people however blame them on numerous security breaches and lawlessness last weekend a militia rallies turned violent in the ghazi when the protesters stormed there have quarters. now recent muslim protest sparked by a single video posted online underlines just how powerful a tool the internet is now so-called hacker chapters they're now spreading across the arab world are seen as a way to promote independent journalism but as a policy reports the groups could end up being used by governments to promote their own agenda. each day across the world millions of fingers fly across
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keyboards with the power to break through some of the toughest security fire walls this is the most powerful weapon streams of darter flashing across the computer screens of the world in the blink of an eye information that can promote provoke and agitate people. quite a. lot or not that i mean. physically attacking the clinic and that's why you will find a lot of hearkens grown up in this politicians of the region and this time the arab spring gave birth to a new generation of hackers they polished their skills in bypassing government controls to speak out it's very popular in countries where. you know websites are banned and there are restraints on websites mostly in gulf countries they start by using proxies and other stuff to access private websites and then they grow on it
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and they grow with this knowledge this growth of knowledge is being put to work in jordan a leader in information technology in the arab world like other governments and man has introduced new laws to try and expose this new generation of hackers with power in the hands some people would to do this. because it's powerful you can neglect the fact that it is powerful when when when a page of facebook. is giving one opinion and it's nobody knows that it starts giving the other opinion but it's to them this is a very very strong way to to reach out to all these people you know to convince them to convert them but who is behind the web of secrecy these hackers spin the night foundation says openly it backs hacker groups across the globe the american foundation is attached to the international center for journalists in washington a group closely aligned with u.s. foreign policy it's first group started work through you. new york since then the
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chapters have been set up in cities across five continents the latest in tunis and amman so called hackers chapters are springing up across the arab world bringing together journalists and develop as their intentions might be noble to advantage citizen journalism and civil society but in real life they often pave the way for subversive activities what is going on in jordan in this harker's program that's going to be funded and guided by these forces in the west is part of a larger story of how the united states and the western powers are responding to the initial arab spring very quickly the u.s. war zero with democracy promotion programs and other sorts of programs to steer the arab spring into outcomes that are not going to be threatening to western capitalism and to us geopolitics and it's really geopolitics in the region history is littered with western governments using n.g.o.s and groups to advance their interests and more recently with the electronic media and social networks they
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employ but the angry demonstrations have rocked the arab world after the you tube clip of the innocence of muslims trailer when viral shows yet again how the west sometimes force victim to the very same activity it promotes policy r.t. . while it's all it is for me this hour up next it's on the money here. wealthy british style signs. passed out on. the. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds
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a report on r g. there are those who desperately need it to survive. despite kong is the tongue give money to on the lookout. for gold in the fish. and a suppresses the prize the rights or the food for. those who don't get their share of the change. by downloading got to god awful article in today's new york dollars but not the one not us at equal media by who know about it i mean not look any did from the company from. the those who suck it out to prosper. inside the seas and say. coming up from. all it's. nice licensing.
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